· JAVA: Trying to download file from URL with authentication Shathos 16 1 java / file / authentication / url / download. · HTML tags are not allowed. Name *. Email *. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. , Spambots Blocked by Simple Comments. 1 Answer1. Show activity on this post. I solved this issue. I used a customized authenticator before connecting the URL, and it authenticates and downloads the document. FYI - once connected, till next server restart, it doesn't need authentication. URL server = new URL (url); //works for https and not for http, i needed https in my bltadwin.rus: 8.
To add files to your project you would need to right click on it, select build path option by navigating through "configure build path- build path", and then choose the add external archives option. To download a file from a given URL using the Apache Commons IO we will require the FileUtils class of the package. I have a problem with downloading a file from a URL with authentication. I am pretty new to this topic and I need help from you guys!:(I want to download a docx document from a url. If you would enter the url manually it would automatically download it for you. In my case, the file is on our intranet. Here is what I got so far: Main class. Video tutoral on how to download file from URL using Java. Video tutoral on how to download file from URL using Java.
The most basic API we can use to download a file is Java IO. We can use the URL class to open a connection to the file we want to download. To effectively read the file, we'll use the openStream() method to obtain an InputStream: BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(new URL(FILE_URL).openStream()). HTML tags are not allowed. Name *. Email *. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. , Spambots Blocked by Simple Comments. bltadwin.ruadFile (url, filename); This code assumes that the url is supplied to this code along with a filename for where to save the downloaded file. We use a proxy, hence the proxy is supplied, and then we supply the NetworkCredential which will handle basic authentication. Here we need to supply the userName and password, ofcourse with.