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Panzram: A Journal of Murder. by. Thomas E. Gaddis, James O. Long, Harold Schechter (Introduction) · Rating details · ratings · 76 reviews. A detailed memoir and self-analysis by a mass murderer. Panzram was born in on a Minnesota farm and died in on the gallows at the bltadwin.runtiary, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. View: DOWNLOAD NOW». Charles "Carl" Panzram was an American serial killer, rapist, arsonist, robber and burglar. In prison confessions and his autobiography, he claimed to have committed 21 murders, most of which could not be corroborated, and over 1, acts of sodomy of boys and men. Panzram A Journal of Murder Paperback – November 1, by Thomas E. Gaddis (Editor), James O. Long (Editor), Harold Schechter (Introduction) 0 more out of 5 stars ratings.